V UO društva smo se odločili, da izkoristimo priložnost, da je trener ICA.UK, Jonathan Dudding v Sloveniji in našim članom omogočimo, da spoznajo eno izmed metod iz palete ToP (Technology of Participation), ki so jih razvili pri ICA (The Institute of Cultural Affairs).
Srečanje bo potekalo 25. 11. 2024, med 18.00 in 20.30 v prostorih Danfoss Trate.
Srečanje je za člane našega društva brezplačno, je pa odprto tudi za ostale s simbolično kotizacijo 40 € (potrebno poravnati najkasneje do petka, 22. 11. 2024)*.
Na srečanje se je potrebno prijaviti. V primeru, da bi bilo zainteresiranih za udeležbo več, ko je razpoložljivih mest, imajo prednost člani društva.
Srečanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku, v nadaljevanju kratek opis.
The Historical Scan, or Wall of Wonder, is a visual, interactive group facilitation method, and one of the core methods of ICA’s Technology of Participation. It enables a group to develop a shared story by reviewing their own history and experience in the context of wider changes and developments. This both deepens understanding and connection amongst group members, and lays a foundation for future work and planning.
For demonstrating the method we will focus on the story of the Slovenian Association of Facilitators, drawing on the wisdom of the participants to look at the wider context of facilitation and the IAF, how the sector has developed in Slovenia and the role of the Association.
This session will be led by Jonathan Dudding of ICA:UK, who will introduce the method, demonstrate it, and then give some key tips for facilitators wanting to use it in their own context.
Jonathan is a Lead Trainer in the Technology of Participation, with over 25 years of using and training others in group facilitation methods. Now based in London (UK), he has extensive experience in working with a wide range of local, national, and international clients in around 40 countries, including governments; bilateral and multilateral agencies; international, national and local organisations.
Jonathan believes strongly in bringing a human-centred, participatory approach to development, and puts particular emphasis on seeking to enable others to “shine”, supporting the development of their skills as facilitators, as trainers and as champions of the human factor in their work.